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I'm Back!

Ok readers, my spring break hiatus is officially over. What a two weeks it's been! I had a major presentation to prepare for at work, the kids were in Florida, I had a business trip to New York and then to top it all off, Easter Weekend I came down with a nasty sinus infection that's had me laid up at home for the last two days. But, fear not, I'm on the mend and ready to get back in the saddle.

But, of course during those two weeks! I'll spend this week getting caught up with my recipe postings - I found some keepers - and share the deliciousness with you all. Fair warning, I am seriously lacking in the photo department for these pictures, so I apologize in advance.

My favorite thing that I did in the last two weeks, other than cooking, was my trip to New York City. I've only ever been there twice, but I love it! The vibe is soooo different there and there's just an energy that I don't get from other cities.

And, of course, the food! One thing that being in New York has made me realize is that simple never goes out of style, it's all a matter of presentation. One night for dinner? Spaghetti with mini meatballs topped with goat cheese. Simple? Yes, please! Lunch the next day? A Caprese sandwich (tomato, basil and a lovely chunk of fresh mozzarella) served on a great crusty bun. Simple? Couldn't be simpler.

So all you wanna be chefs, don't sweat the extensive, labor intensive recipes. Take what you know, dress it up, put it on a plate and savor the moment! Bon appetite!

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