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What's for Dinner Tonight?: Cornflake Chicken

The other night the kitchen gods were against me. My chicken was frozen, I shredded the spatula making garlic spread, it was an all around bad night. So, I waited. Tonight, I went back to my original menu from Tuesday and tried again. And I didn't shred a spatula this time when I remade the garlic spread.

So my daughter came home from college earlier this year and offered to cook. What? Cook? At home? For the family? Hell, yeah! She made this wonderful concoction called Cornflake Chicken, to be known going forward as Heaven in a Baking Dish.

I consider this recipe to be one of the ultimate comfort foods. Buttery, warm, crispy, buttery and melt-in-your-mouth delicious. Did I mention buttery? It's so easy to throw together and I've now adopted it as one of my own and serve it at least once a month for the fam. My husband and son love it!

This recipe is courtesy of my daughter's roommate's mom (say that three times fast) and the college girls have been making it far longer than I have. It's actually a really inexpensive recipe to throw together for the girls, they can do it for under $15 and get a couple of meals out of it. Not bad on a budget!

I served this with leftover orzo, baked sweet potato, glazed baby carrots and garlic bread.

Cornflake Chicken, courtesy of Becky Schexnayder


  • 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breasts

  • 1 can of evaporated milk

  • 2 cups cornflakes, crushed

  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

  • Salt, to taste

  • Pepper, to taste

  • 1 stick of butter


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Spray a 9x13 baking dish with non-stick cooking spray

  3. Trim fat from chicken and cut into 2-inch pieces.

  4. Place evaporated milk in a bowl.

  5. Mix cornflakes, garlic powder, salt and pepper in a Ziploc bag and then empty on a large plate.

  6. Dredge chicken in evaporated milk, then in crushed cornflakes, pressing the cornflakes into the chicken so that they stick well.

  7. Place chicken pieces in baking pan and top with any remaining cornflake mixture.

  8. Melt butter in microwave and pour over the chicken.

  9. Cook uncovered for 30 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink in the middle.


I added Italian seasoning to the cornflake mixture this time for some additional flavor on the chicken. One thing about this recipe, with all the butter on it the chicken doesn't dry out quickly so you really can't overcook it. Well, if you left it in for like and hour you could probably overcook it. I think my husband and the boy are going to eat the leftovers with some waffles tomorrow night while I'm at my out of town, because who doesn't like chicken and waffles?

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